Scott Byrd

Scott has been involved with Athletic Training and Sports Medicine for over 30 years. A graduate of Carson Newman University, Scotts experience has been very diverse. While at Carson Newman, Scott completed a summer internship with the Knoxville Blue jays. Upon Graduation, Scott worked for Grainger County Schools and Knoxville Orthopedic Clinic as a Friday Night Football Outreach staff from 1993-1997. Scott was then hired as the first Full-Time Athletic Trainers at Walters State Community College from 1997-1999. Scott realized his passion was working with the secondary school setting and providing Athletic Training Services to younger athletes that might not have access to an ATC. Scott was given the opportunity to create a comprehensive sports medicine program from scratch with the Sevier County School System. Over the next 20 years, He has consulted with over 50 secondary school programs to help place a full time ATC in each high school.
Scott has been recognized on many occasions for his efforts at the State, District and National levels. He has received the Clinical ATC award from both the Tennessee and SEATA, SSATC Award from SEATA, Gatorade National Secondary School Service award, NATA Service award and was listed as a top 10 finalist in School Health Excellence by Magnus Health. Scott has served as the Tennessee Athletic Coaches Association All-Star football medical coordinator since 2008. He also served as the Medical Coordinator for the National Guard Border Bowl Football KY-TN all-star game from 2007-2018. Scott has served as a member of the TSSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and TATS President. Scott is a member of the Tennessee Athletic Coaches Association Executive Board and Also served as President of SEATA.
Scott is a member of the Southeast Athletic Trainers Association Hall of Fame and the Tennessee Athletic Trainers Society Hall of Fame. Scott has been with Ortho Tennessee as the Director of Sports Medicine Outreach since August of 2019. Scott feels that the mission and vision of Ortho Tennessee is second to none in terms of the sports medicine field.
Scott serves as a Deacon at First Baptist Church in Dandridge as well as a member of FBC’s Safety and Security team. Scott enjoys spending time with his family, Carla and Sons, Colton, Jackson, and Hayden. He also enjoys playing golf and outdoors activities with his family.